High school students from all of the Oak Pointe family of churches will be traveling to Camp Geneva
in Holland, MI for a life-changing weekend! Fall Retreat is a time for your student to spend time connecting
with their Life Group and God through worship, teaching, games, and much more!

Students from the Novi, Canton, and West Bloomfield locations will be departing from Oak Pointe Novi on
Friday, October 28th at 4:00 PM, and returning to Oak Pointe on Sunday, October 30th at 4:00 PM.

The cost of the retreat is $275, but if you register before October 12th you’ll receive the discounted price of $225.
We do not want finances to be a reason you don’t come to retreat - scholarships are available at the link below!

If you have any questions about the retreat, please email Jill Wright at jill.wright@oakpointe.org!